Val Town Jamboree Challenge

Val Town is a social website that allows developers to code in the cloud. It provides a wide range of tools for building nearly anything you can think of. With Val Town, you can create Vals that send emails, execute code on a schedule, or display HTML and JSX.

The Challenge

The Val Town Jamboree challenge is straightforward: build a complete project using nothing but Vals. This means that every component of your project, including the frontend, backend, and middleware, should be implemented as its own Val.


Scoring Criteria

The submitted projects will be judged based on the following criteria:

  1. Functionality: Does the project work as intended without any errors or bugs?
  2. Code Quality: Is the code well-organized, readable, and maintainable?
  3. Creativity: How creative and original is the project idea and implementation?
  4. Val Town Utilization: Does the project effectively leverage the features and capabilities of Val Town?
  5. User Experience: Is the project user-friendly and visually appealing?


To help you get started with Val Town and complete the challenge, here are some useful resources:

Get ready to showcase your skills and creativity in the Val Town Jamboree challenge. Happy coding!